Historic Buildings of Finchley


Historic Buildings of Finchley
Frank Kelsall
Online at 2.45 pm
Thursday 25 June


Church End was designated as a Conservation Area by the Council forty years ago next month. Finchley has a number of these Conservation Areas, and the Finchley CAAC (Conservation Area Advisory Committee) advises the Council on applications for planning permission affecting them.

Frank Kelsall discussed some of the historic buildings of Finchley, focusing on the five Conservation Areas that the Finchley CAAC is meant to cover. He explained the various types of designation that protect buildings, with some examples to illustrate each.

Frank Kelsall worked on historic buildings in London from 1964 to 1986. From then to retirement in 1998 he was an inspector of historic buildings for English Heritage. In retirement he served as casework adviser to the Ancient Monuments Society and founded the Architectural History Practice. He is a past-president of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, and a past-chairman of the London Society. He has lived in Finchley since 1982.

This was our third online meeting. We held it using Zoom, a popular and widely used videoconferencing platform. If you would like more information about our online meetings but are not a Member of the Finchley Society, please email us at zoom@finchleysociety.org.uk.